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‘’Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha ‘’ Patanjali Yoga Sutra 1.2

While the first part of Patanjali Yoga Sutras defines Yoga in the 2nd sutra; He used the expression “income” in the sense of calming the fluctuations of mind of yoga. In Sanskrit, Chitta means consciousness of being. Chitta manas/the part of the mind that works with the senses and perceptions, buddhi/the part of the mind that is made up of intelligence and wisdom, and the ahamkara emerges from within the ego, where the mind defines itself and has no division from the outside world. In this way, the human mind, which has turned into a complex structure in which the sensations formed in our inner world and the outside are observed and managed, have the features of perception, analysis and decision making. At the same time, since the records created with the past and the projects related to the future are stored in these areas, the responsibilities and internal structure of the mind are quite complex.

Patanjali mentions that in this case, the multitasking of the mind creates fluctuations in the mind. This complicates the overall structure of the mind. In this way, the mind, whose senses and perceptions are managed, has difficulty seeing its own reality and the network of fluctuations in its dimension with the outside world. With thoughts, experiences and prejudices, we visualize the surface of the mind, and in this way we move away from inner wisdom and the mind.

These fluctuations in the mind need to calm down so that we can connect with the buddhi field, which is defined as wisdom, which determines the essence of the consciousness of beings in the depths of the mind. This creates a duplication as we cannot see the depths in a undulating lake. In order for us to see the bottom of the lake and deeper, the wave must calm down and settle down. In this way, when viewed from the surface, we have a chance to see deeper.

The B.k.S Iyengar Patanjali Yoga Sutras generally recommend using asana, pranayama, and meditation practices to calm these fluctuations in the mind. Thanks to the practice of asana, the mind starts to connect with its own reality by focusing attention on the body and moving away from the chaotic field. In this way, energy flows through the body in a longer lasting way, making it possible to relax and transition as they live. With the comfort of the comfort in the body, the mind relaxes and calms down. With the practice of Pranayama, the mind becomes calm and slowed down by focusing attention on the breath. Especially with techniques such as Sama Vritti (inhaled and exhaled breaths of equal length) and Nadi Shodhana (alternating nostril breathing), it is possible to calm the mind inside. Meditation practices enable us to develop ourselves in observing the general structure of the mind and in creating healthy spaces between us and them without connecting with thought. In this way, existing in the attitude of observing them without identifying with the unique calms the mind.

Thus, calming the fluctuations of the mind is necessary for being in yoga. The meaning of yoga to exist with unity and integrity helps us to enjoy life more by connecting with our own thoughts and consciousness of being. Anything that distracts us from thoughts and the imagination of the mind can be a practice. We experience being in a state of yoga, such as walking in nature and spending time in nature, painting and cooking, which makes you present and free from thoughts. Thanks to yoga practices, it will be possible to train our minds and connect with our own existence more deeply, so it will be possible for us to carry this practice and awareness into our other actions and make it a practice of life. Namaste 🕉️

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